What If I Don’t Qualify For the Affordable Care Act “Special Enrollment Period”
So, you've found out that you don’t qualify for a Special Enrollment Period or SEP. There are many ways to qualify for a SEP, but what if you just don’t have a qualifying life event?
A Short Term Medical plan, also known as temporary health insurance, may be your solution. Short term medical plans can be a fast and flexible solution to fill the gap while you wait for an enrollment period.
While a short term medical plan can be the solution for you while you wait for open enrollment, remember the following:
Preexisting conditions are NOT covered
Plans are NOT ACA complaint – they are not a substitute for the minimum coverage that the Affordable Care Act requires. You may be faced with a penalty (Shared Responsibility Tax)
There are limited term lengths (usually only 3 months)
Plans are not renewable but you can reapply if you want to continue
Maternity Care is not included
Usually no copays for doctor visits or prescription drugs
Short Term Medical Plans are popular because of their wide acceptance among healthcare providers as opposed to ACA plans that have narrow networks with less physicians and hospitals. Short Term Medical Plans continue to offer broad physician and hospital networks.
Short Term Medical Plans usually cover many benefits including:
Hospital Stays
Emergency Care
Lab Tests and x-rays
Open enrollment for the 2018 Affordable Care Act, or ACA, will begin November 1, 2018 and end December 15, 2017.
If you would like to learn more, please contact me and we can go over this in further detail. I can help you a find a policy to meet your temporary need.